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  • 无锡市威腾焊管有限公司

     话:  13861515733
    联系人: 朱国栋

      址: 宜兴市徐舍镇鲸塘工业园鲸龙路8号
      址: www.yxbohua.com

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      2、第二节钢筋笼、第三节钢筋笼以及最上面一节钢筋笼声测管的安装:把不同长度的声测管放在不同长度的钢筋笼内(声测管的长度和钢筋笼的长度相对应)。按B管插入A 管的方法安装,注意密封圈的完好。然后用铁丝穿过声测管上的吊环,把安装好的声测管吊在钢筋笼上不要过紧能上下移动即可。
      3、向钻孔内下放钢筋笼时声测管的安装方法:第一节(最下节)钢筋笼下入钻孔后,应把声测管内加满清水。然后焊接第二节钢筋笼。 焊接完毕 ,把上面的声测管用手托 起插入下面声测管的承口端,用螺旋紧固即可,然后下放钢筋笼每到两米时需用铁丝把声测管绑扎在钢筋笼主筋上,第二节钢筋笼下放完把声测管内加满清水。等最上节钢 筋笼下放完后,一定把管内加满清水,最后用盖盖好。


    When installing a sound spiral tube must pay attention to the effective method:
    1, the installation of the acoustic detection tube section under the reinforcing cage: put A pipe duct tape plug (bottom) on the ground check whether the seal is in good condition, then B tube inserts A tube, until it is plugged into A tube at the bottom, then put the screw fastening. After good put sound tube in the steel cage, in accordance with the provisions, size fastening on the main steel reinforcing cage, for parts without reinforcing cage, acoustic detecting tube can use steel bracket or three main steel reinforcement, bundled distance shall not be more than two meters.
    2, reinforcing cage in the second quarter, third quarter reinforcing cage and the top section reinforcing cage acoustic detecting pipe installation: the sound of the different length of tube is placed within the different length of reinforcing cage (the length of the tube and the length of reinforcing cage corresponding). According to B tube inserted into the pipe installation methods, pay attention to the sealing ring in good condition. Then with the sound of the wire through the tube on the rings, the acoustic detection hanger installed on reinforcing cage do not overtighten can move up and down.
    3, to lower the reinforcing cage in the borehole drilled in the acoustic detection tube when installation method: the first section (the next) reinforced LongXia into the hole, should add fresh water acoustic detecting tube. And then welded reinforcing cage in the second quarter. Welding and inserted the acoustic detection work hand holds up the above below the socket end of the tube, screw fastening, then lower the reinforcing cage every two meters need wire when the sound tube bundle on reinforcing cage main reinforcement, reinforcement in the second quarter LongXia after add fresh water acoustic detecting tube. Such as the section on steel reinforcement LongXia after it finished, must add fresh water pipe and finish with a good cover.
    版权所有:无锡市威腾焊管有限公司 声测管 技术支持:无锡速联科技
    公司地址:江苏省宜兴市徐舍镇鲸塘工业园鲸龙路8号 联系电话:13861515733